International conferences
- "On shallow capillary-gravity waves", International Conference on Scientific Computation And Differential Equations (SciCADE-2015), 14 - 18 September 2015, Potsdam, Germany
- "Fully nonlinear weakly dispersive travelling capillary-gravity waves", 12e Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, 25 - 30 August 2014, Lyon, France
- "Fast and accurate computation of solitary waves of the free surface Euler equations", 16 - 20 September 2013, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE), Valladolid, Spain
- "Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff", 5 - 8 September 2013, Mathematical and Informational Technologies(MIT), Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
- "Fast and accurate computation of gravity solitary waves", 25 - 28 March 2013, The Eighth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evol ution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory. Athens (GA), USA
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", 13 - 16 June 2012, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Seattle, WA, USA
- "Dispersive wave runup and some related amplification phenomena", 27 - 31 August 2011, International Conference "Mathematical and Informational Technologies", MIT-2011, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
- "Finite volume schemes for nonlinear dispersive wave equations", 4 - 8 July 2011, Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations Theory and Applications, International Conference to honour Professor E.F. Toro in the month of his 65th birthday, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- "Dispersive wave runup on non-uniform shores", 6 - 10 June 2011, The International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 6, Prague, Czech Republic
- "Numerical simulation of a dispersive wave runup", 4 - 7 April 2011, The Seventh IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, USA
- " Modeling and simulation of compressible two-phase flows", September, 17, 2010, NumAn 2010 Conference in Numerical Analysis, Chania, Crete, Greece
- "Tsunami wave modeling", April, 6, 2010, Exploring structural controls on great earthquake rupture and architecture of the Sunda/Sumatran convergent margin: international collaboration, links to tsunami modeling and planning of future research activities, Fondation des Treilles, Draguignan, France
- "Visco-potential free-surface flows", International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), 24 - 29 August 2008, Adelaide, Australia
- "Tsunami wave energy", SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, July 21 - 24, 2008, Universita di Roma, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- "Simulation of free surface compressible flows via a two fluid model", Nick Newman Symposium on Marine Hydrodynamics, 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2008), 15 - 20 June 2008, Estoril, Portugal
- "Simulation of free surface motions via a two fluid model", International conference "Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows", September 17 - 21, 2007, Cargèse, Corsica, France
- "On the generation of tsunamis by earthquakes" at The Fifth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, April 16 - 19, 2007
- "Tsunami generation", SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, September 9 - 12, 2006, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- "Energy-consistent shallow water models derivation with improved dispersion relation", 16 - 17 May 2016, French-Spanish Workshop on Evolution Problems (FSWEP16), Valladolid, Spain
- "Modelling of shallow dispersive water waves", 14 - 20 June 2015, Numerical approximations of hyperbolic systems with source terms and applications (NumHyp-2015), Cortona, Italy. See also:
- "Application of variational principles to water wave modelling", 2 - 4 July 2014, RIMS Workshop "Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics", RIMS, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- "Capillary-gravity waves in nonlinear shallow water and full Euler equations", 23 - 26 April 2014, Wave Interaction (WIN-2014), Linz, Austria
- "Wave propagation over rapidly varying bottoms. Excursion into variational methods", 9 - 11 April 2014, Mathematical Modelling for Tsunami Early Warning Systems, Malaga, Spain
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", 6 - 10 May 2013, Workshop on Ocean Wave Dynamics, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. Video:
- "Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff", 14 - 18 April 2013, IUTAM Symposium 2013: Nonlinear interfacial wave phenomena from the micro to the macro-scale, Limassol, Cyprus
- "The emergence of coherent wave groups in deep-water random sea", 14 - 18 April 2013, IUTAM Symposium 2013: Nonlinear interfacial wave phenomena from the micro to the macro-scale, Limassol, Cyprus
- "Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff", 2nd ERC MULTIWAVE Workshop, 22 March 2013, University College Dublin, Ireland
- "Modified shallow water equations for large bathymetry variations", 8 - 13 October 2012, Mathematical modeling and analysis of extreme sea waves, Fondation des Treilles, Tourtour, France
- "Dispersive and non-dispersive wave runup and some related phenomena", 13 - 16 June 2011, THE MATHEMATICS OF EXTREME SEA WAVES: Tsunamis, Rogue Waves, And Flooding, Toronto, Canada
- " Modeling of tsunami wave generation", September, 21, 2010, Summer school and workshop on "Numerical Methods for interactions between sediments and water", Paris 13 University, Paris, France
- "A generalized variational principle for water wave modeling", December, 11, 2009, Hydrodynamique des lacs et approximation de Saint-Venant, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France
- "Powder-snow avalanche flow modelling", 12 - 16 October 2009, 4th Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Freiburg, Germany
- "Tsunami wave energy", September, 22, 2009, Session "Numerical methods for complex fluid flows", Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, Austria
- "Numerical simulation of tsunami waves. Presentation of VOLNA code", January, 27, 2009, Océanographie et Mathématiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
- "Simulation of free surface compressible motions via a two fluid model", GDR MOAD, 19 - 21 March 2008, Lyon, France
- "Influence of the mud layer on sea-bed deformations", 2nd FORTH Workshop on Tsunami generation, 12 & 13 February,2008, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- "On the dynamic generation of tsunamis by a moving bottom", TRANSFER Workshop "Numerical Models, Inundation Maps and Test Sites", June 12 - 14, 2007, Fethiye, Turkey
- "Derivation and numerical simulation of long wave equations", Wolfgang Pauli Institute. Working session "Modelling of nonlinear dispersive long waves" organized by Jean-Claude Saut, May 21 - 26, 2007, Vienna, Austria
- Results of the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey 2005, October 19 - 24, 2005, Fondation des Treilles, Draguignan, France
National conferences
- "Numerical simulation of dispersive waves", October, 29, 2010, Colloque EDP Normandie, University of Caen, Caen, France
- "Simulation numérique dans l'hydrodynamique côtière", 39e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique (CANUM 2008), 26 - 30 May 2008, Vendée, France
- "Water waves without tears", 11 May 2017, Colloquium of Mathematics, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem, Université de Rouen, France
- "Water waves without tears", 16 March 2017, Colloquium of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
- "On the complete classification of shallow travelling capillary-gravity solitary waves", 14 November 2016, Seminar of the team A3, LAMFA UMR 7352, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
- "On the complete classification of shallow travelling capillary-gravity solitary waves", 10 November 2016, Groupe de Discussions, LAMA UMR 5127, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France
- "Numerical methods on moving grids: une histoire de Q", 18 February 2016, Groupe de Discussions, LAMA UMR 5127, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France
- "Computation of traveling wave solutions", Groupe de Discussions, 20 May 2015, LAMA UMR 5127, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France
- "Families of steady fully nonlinear shallow capillary-gravity waves", NUMERIWAVES Seminar, 25 February 2015, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain
- "Families of shallow capillary-gravity waves", GIR Analisis Numerico de Problemas de Evolucion, 20 February 2015, Instituto de Matematicas imUVa, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", Kolloquium Angewandte Mathematik, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 13 November 2014, Erlangen, Germany
- "Resonant wave run-up on sloping beaches and vertical walls", Seminar: Conservation Laws & Invariants of PDEs of Hydrodynamic type (16h00), 24 October 2014, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modelling", Seminar: Conservation Laws & Invariants of PDEs of Hydrodynamic type (11h00), 24 October 2014, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modelling", Seminar of the Laboratory of Differential equations, 23 October 2014, Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- "Algebraic geometry for shallow capillary-gravity waves", Seminar: Computational Technologies, 21 October 2014, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- "Fully nonlinear weakly dispersive capillary-gravity waves", 8 July 2014, Nonlinear Analysis seminar, Department of Mathematics, Keio University, Japan
- "Some resonance phenomena during the wave run-up", 23 January 2013, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Sevilla, Spain
- "A Variational Approach for Water Wave Modelling", 18 January 2013, NUMERIWAVES Group Seminar, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain
- "Some critical comments on the landslides modelling", 26 October 2012, Wave Group Seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", 25 May 2012. Wave Group Seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland
- "Wave run-up on random and deterministic beaches", April, 16, 2012. Mathematical Physics Seminar, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
- "Wave run-up on random and deterministic beaches", March, 2, 2012. Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", February, 7, 2012. imUVA Seminario, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
- "Dissipative and resonant effects during the wave runup process", February, 2, 2012. Séminaire d'Analyse Numérique et de Calcul Scientifique, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, France
- "Dissipative and resonant effects during a wave run-up", October, 20, 2011. Fluid Mechanics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway
- "Relaxed variational principle for water wave modeling", October, 14, 2011. Seminar in Nonlinear Waves, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway
- "Dispersive and non-dispersive wave runup on complex beaches", July, 12, 2011, Seminar of the Applied Mathematics Department, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
- " Modeling and simulation of long waves: variational approach", March, 22, 2011, Séminaire d'analyse appliquée, University of Provence, Marseille, France
- "Relaxed variational principle for water waves", March, 14, 2011, Séminaire d'analyse appliquée A3, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
- "Mathematical modelling of tsunami wave generation", November, 12, 2009, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France
- "Numerical simulation of powder snow avalanches". March, 26, 2009, Atelier VOR, Laboratoire 3S-R, Grenoble, France
- "Simulation of free surface compressible flows via a two fluid model", 27 October 2008, Séminaire et Groupe de travail de Modélisation Mathématique, Mécanique et Numérique (M3N), Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme, Université de Caen, Caen, France
- "Mathematical modelling of tsunami waves", 23 October 2008, Séminaire EDP-MOISE, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, France
- "Simulation of free surface compressible flows via a two fluid model", 20 October 2008, Rencontres Niçoises de la Mécanique des Fluides, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Nice, France
- "Mathematical modelling of tsunami generation", LAMA, Université de Savoie, October, 10, 2008, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
- "Numerical modelling of tsunami waves. VOLNA code presentation", LAMA, Université de Savoie, 4th July 2008, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
- "A two-fluid model for violent aerated flows", LAMA, Université de Savoie, April, 24, 2008, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
- "A two-fluid model for violent aerated flows", Groupe de Travail Numérique, Université d'Orsay Paris-Sud, April, 16, 2008, Orsay, France
- "Simulation numérique des écoulements à surface libre", Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, April, 11, 2008, Toulouse, France
- "Numerical modelling of tsunami generation and runup", Groupe de Travail Mécanique des Fluides Réels, 18 February 2008, CMLA, ENS de Cachan, France
- "Simulation d'écoulements compressibles avec surface libre par un modèle bifluide", CLAROM - Séminaire hydrodynamique et océano-météo, 29 novembre 2007, Institut Français du Pétrole
- "Viscous shallow water equations: potential approach and numerical methods", Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Groupe detravail mixte entre océanographes et mathématiciens, Bordeaux, France, March, 13, 2007
- "Unstructured Finite Volume solver for dissipative shallow-water equations" at "Groupe de travail mécanique des fluides réels", CMLA, ENS de Cachan, February, 12, 2007
- "Tsunami wave generation". Inauguration of the LRC CMLA/CEA. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, June, 19, 2006
Short Courses
General audience lectures
- "Tsunami: du modèle au terrain". Lecture delivered with Christian Beck at the Fête de la Science, Chambéry, France,November, 27, 2009
- "What is applied mathematics?". Talk given for the general audience at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, April, 27, 2007
- "Tsunami waves". Talk given for the general audience at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, December, 5, 2006