Research articles
Citations statistics: Google Scholar Profile
Erdos number: 3
Various writings
(If you would like to publish something from the list below, please, contact me)
- D. Dutykh. How to overcome the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition of explicit discretizations? Technical Report, 20 pp, 2016
- D. Dutykh. A brief introduction to pseudo-spectral methods: application to diffusion problems, Lecture notes, 38 pp, 2016
- D. Dutykh. A brief introduction into Hydrodynamics: variational point of view. Lecture notes (work in progress), 142 pp, 2015
- D. Dutykh. My favourite books, papers and scientific software. Informal notes (work in progress), 18 pp, 2015
- D. Dutykh. Mathematical exercises (with solutions). Informal notes (work in progress), 40 pp, 2015
Recent preprints under the review process
- J. Berger, S. Gasparin, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. On the solution of coupled heat and moisture transport in porous material. Submitted, 2017
- D. Mitsotakis, D. Dutykh, Q. Li. Asymptotic nonlinear and dispersive pulsatile flow in elastic vessels with cylindrical symmetry. Submitted, 2017
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. Spectral Methods - Part 2: A comparative study of reduced order models for moisture transfer diffusive problems. Submitted, 2017
- V. Liapidevskii, D. Dutykh, M. Gisclon. On the modelling of shallow turbidity flows. Submitted, 2017
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. Spectral Methods - Part 1: A fast and accurate approach for solving nonlinear diffusive problems. Submitted, 2017
- J. Berger, T. Busser, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. On the estimation of sorption isotherm coefficients using the optimal experiment design approach. Submitted, 2017
- J. Berger, T. Busser, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. On the estimation of moisture permeability and advection coefficients of a wood fibre material using the optimal experiment design approach. Submitted, 2017
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. An improved explicit scheme for whole-building hygrothermal simulation. Submitted, 2017
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Accurate fast computation of steady two-dimensional surface gravity waves in arbitrary depth. Submitted, 2017
- D. Dutykh, M. Hoefer, D. Mitsotakis. Solitary wave solutions and their interactions for fully nonlinear water waves with surface tension in the generalized Serre equations. Submitted, 2017
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis, N. Shokina. Numerical solution of conservation laws on moving grids, Submitted, 2015
- J.-G. Caputo, D. Dutykh, B. Gleyse. Coupling conditions for the shallow water equations on a network, Submitted, 2015
- R. Escobedo, D. Dutykh, C. Muro, L. Spector, R.P. Coppinger. Group size effect on the success of wolves hunting. Submitted, 2015
- D. Dutykh, J.-G. Caputo. Discrete sine-Gordon dynamics on networks, Submitted, 2015
- L. Vuillon, D. Dutykh, F. Fedele. Some special solutions to the Hyperbolic NLS equation. Submitted, 2017
- N. Mendes, M. Chhay, J. Berger, D. Dutykh. Numerical methods for diffusion phenomena in building physics: a practical introduction, 2nd Ed., SPRINGER, 2020
- N. Mendes, M. Chhay, J. Berger, D. Dutykh. Numerical Methods for Diffusion Phenomena in Building Physics, PUCPRESS, 2017
International peer-reviewed journals
- J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes and L. Gosse. An efficient numerical model for the simulation of coupled heat, air and moisture transfer in porous media, Engineering Reports, 2(2), e12099, 2020
- J. Berger, T. Busser, T. Colinart and D. Dutykh. Critical assessment of a new mathematical model for hysteresis effects on heat and mass transfer in porous building material, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 151, 106275, 2020
- A. Rashidi, Z.H. Shomali, D. Dutykh and N. Keshavar Farajkhah. Tsunami hazard assessment in the Makran subduction zone, Natural Hazards, 100, 861–875, 2020
- I. Abroug, N. Abcha, D. Dutykh, A. Jarno and F. Marin. Experimental and numerical study of the propagation of focused wave groups in the nearshore zone, Phys. Lett. A, 384(6), 126144, 2020
- J. Berger, S. Gasparin, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. On the comparison of three numerical methods applied to building simulation: finite-differences, RC circuit approximation and a spectral method, Building Simulation, 13(1), 1–18, 2020
- G. Khakimzyanov and D. Dutykh. Long wave interaction with a partially immersed body. Part I: Mathematical models, Commun. Comput. Phys., 27(2), 321–378, 2020
- S. Rusconi, D. Dutykh, A. Zarnescu, D. Sokolovski and E. Akhmatskaya. An optimal scaling to computationally tractable dimensionless models: Study of latex particles morphology formation, Comput. Phys. Commun., 247, 106944, 2019
- A. Abdalazeez, I. Didenkulova and D. Dutykh. Nonlinear deformation and run-up of single tsunami waves of positive polarity: numerical simulations and analytical predictions, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2905–2913, 2019
- D. Dutykh. Numerical simulation of Feller’s diffusion equation, Mathematics, 7(11), 1067, 2019
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh and D. Mitsotakis. Hamiltonian regularisation of shallow water equations with uneven bottom, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 52(42), 42LT01, 2019
- J. Berger and D. Dutykh. Evaluation of the reliability of building energy performance models for parameter estimation, Comput. Technologies, 24(3), 4–32, 2019
- M. Abdykarim, J. Berger, D. Dutykh, L. Soudani and A. Agbossou. Critical assessment of efficient numerical methods for a long-term simulation of heat and moisture transfer in porous materials, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 145, 105982, 2019
- D. Mitsotakis, Q. Li, E. Peach and D. Dutykh. On some model equations for pulsatile flow in viscoelastic vessels, Wave Motion, 90, 139–151, 2019
- A. Durán, D. Dutykh and D. Mitsotakis. On the multi-symplectic structure of Boussinesq-type systems. II: Geometric discretization, Phys. D, 397, 1–16, 2019
- D. Dutykh and D. Ionescu-Kruse. Effects of vorticity on the travelling waves of some shallow water two-component systems, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems — A, 39(9), 5521–5541, 2019
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis and N. Shokina. Numerical simulation of conservation laws with moving grid nodes: Application to tsunami wave modelling, Geosciences, 9(5), 197, 2019
- E. Dinvay, D. Dutykh and H. Kalisch. A comparative study of bi-directional Whitham systems, Appl. Numer. Math., 141, 248–262, 2019
- J.-G. Caputo, D. Dutykh and B. Gleyse. Coupling conditions for water waves at forks, Symmetry, 11(3), 434, 2019
- J. Berger, T. Busser, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. An efficient method to estimate sorption isotherm curve coefficients, Inv. Prob. Sci. and Eng., 27(6), 735–772, 2019
- A. Jumabekova, J. Berger, D. Dutykh, H. Le Meur, A. Foucquier, M. Pailha and Ch. Ménézo. An efficient numerical model for liquid water uptake in porous material and its parameter estimation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 75(2), 110–136, 2019
- J.-P. Chehab and D. Dutykh. On time relaxed schemes and formulations for dispersive wave equations, AIMS Mathematics, 4(2), 254–278, 2019
- V. Liapidevskii and D. Dutykh. On the velocity of turbidity currents over moderate slopes, Fluid Dyn. Res., 51, 035501, 2019
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. An innovative method to determine optimum insulation thickness based on non-uniform adaptive moving grid, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41:173, 2019
- S. Gasparin, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. A spectral method for solving heat and moisture transfer through consolidated porous media, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 117(11), 1143–1170, 2019
- J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes and B. Rysbaiuly. A new model for simulating heat, air and moisture transport in porous building materials, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 134, 1041–1060, 2019
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. Solving nonlinear diffusive problems in buildings by means of a reduced spectral method, J. of Build. Perf. Sim., 12(1), 17–36, 2019
- A. Durán, D. Dutykh and D. Mitsotakis. On the multi-symplectic structure of Boussinesq-type systems. I: Derivation and mathematical properties, Phys. D, 388, 10–21, 2019
- D. Dutykh and J.-L. Verger-Gaugry. On the reducibility and the lenticular sets of zeroes of almost Newman lacunary polynomials, Arnold Mathematical Journal, 4(3- 4), 315–344, 2018
- Y. Pu, R.L. Pego, D. Dutykh and D. Clamond. Weakly singular shock profiles for a non-dispersive regularization of shallow-water equations, Comm. Math. Sci., 16(5), 1361–1378, 2018
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. An adaptive simulation of nonlinear heat and moisture transfer as a boundary value problem, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 133, 120–139, 2018
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. Advanced reduced-order models for moisture diffusion in porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 124(3), 965–994, 2018
- A. Rashidi, Z.H. Shomali, D. Dutykh and N. Keshavar Farajkhah. Evaluation of tsunami wave energy generated by earthquakes in the Makran subduction zone, Ocean Eng., 165(1), 131–139, 2018
- D. Dutykh, M. Hoefer and D. Mitsotakis. Solitary wave solutions and their interactions for fully nonlinear water waves with surface tension in the generalized Serre equations. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 32(3), 371–397, 2018
- J. Berger, H. Le Meur, D. Dutykh, D. M. Nguyen and A.-C. Grillet. Analysis and improvement of the VTT mold growth model: application to bamboo fiberboard, Building and Environment, 138, 262–274, 2018
- D. Dutykh and J.-G. Caputo. Wave dynamics on networks: method and application to the sine–Gordon equation, Appl. Numer. Math., 131, 54–71, 2018
- D. Mitsotakis, D. Dutykh and Q. Li. Asymptotic nonlinear and dispersive pulsatile flow in elastic vessels with cylindrical symmetry, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 75, 4022–4047, 2018
- D. Clamond and D. Dutykh. Accurate fast computation of steady two-dimensional surface gravity waves in arbitrary depth. J. Fluid Mech., 844, 491–518, 2018
- J. Berger, S. Gasparin, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. On the solution of coupled heat and moisture transport in porous material, Transport in Porous Media, 121(3), 665–702, 2018
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. An improved explicit scheme for whole-building hygrothermal simulation, Building Simulation, 11(3), 465–481, 2018
- V. Liapidevskii, D. Dutykh and M. Gisclon. On the modelling of shallow turbidity flows, Adv. Water Resour., 113, 310–327, 2018
- J. Berger, T. Busser, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. On the estimation of moisture permeability and advection coefficients of a wood fibre material using the optimal experiment design approach, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 90, 246–259, 2018
- L. Vuillon, D. Dutykh and F. Fedele. Some special solutions to the Hyperbolic NLS equation, Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 57, 202–220, 2018
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Non-dispersive conservative regularisation of nonlinear shallow water and isothermal Euler equations. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 55, 237–247, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, O. Gusev. Dispersive shallow water wave modelling. Part IV: Numerical simulation on a globally spherical geometry. Commun. Comput. Phys., 23(2), 361–407, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, Z. Fedotova. Dispersive shallow water wave modelling. Part III: Model derivation on a globally spherical geometry. Commun. Comput. Phys., 23(2), 315–360, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, O. Gusev, N. Shokina. Dispersive shallow water wave modelling. Part II: Numerical simulation on a globally flat space. Commun. Comput. Phys., 23(1), 30–92, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh, Z. Fedotova, D. Mitsotakis. Dispersive shallow water wave modelling. Part I: Model derivation on a globally flat space. Commun. Comput. Phys., 23(1), 1–29, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov and D. Dutykh. Numerical modelling of surface water wave interaction with a moving wall, Commun. Comput. Phys., 23(5), 1289–1354, 2018
- S. Gasparin, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and N. Mendes. Stable explicit schemes for simulation of nonlinear moisture transfer in porous materials. J. of Build. Perf. Sim., 11(2), 129–144, 2018
- G. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh. On supraconvergence phenomenon for second order centered finite differences on non-uniform grids, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 326, 1-14, 2017
- M. Chhay, D. Dutykh, M. Gisclon, Ch. Ruyer-Quil. New asymptotic heat transfer model in thin liquid films, Appl. Math. Modelling, 48, 844-859, 2017
- D. Mitsotakis, D. Dutykh, A. Assylbekuly, D. Zhakebaev. On weakly singular and fully nonlinear travelling shallow capillary-gravity waves in the critical regime, Phys. Lett. A, 381(20), 1719-1726, 2017
- J. Berger, S. Gasparin, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. Accurate numerical simulation of moisture front in porous material, Building and Environment, 118, 211-224, 2017
- E. Dinvay, D. Moldabayev, D. Dutykh, H. Kalisch. The Whitham equation with surface tension, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(2), 1125-1138, 2017
- D. Mitsotakis, D. Dutykh, J. Carter. On the nonlinear dynamics of the traveling-wave solutions of the Serre equations. Wave Motion, 70, 166-182, 2017
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond, M. Chhay. Serre-type equations in deep water, Math. Mod. Nat. Phenom., 12(1), 23-40, 2017
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis. Conservative modified Serre-Green-Naghdi equations with improved dispersion characteristics, Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 45, 245-257, 2017
- J. Berger, D. Dutykh, N. Mendes. On the optimal experimental design for heat and moisture parameter estimation, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81, 109-122, 2017
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond. Modified Shallow Water Equations for significantly varying bottoms. Appl. Math. Modelling, 40(23-24), 9767-9787, 2016
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh, A. Galligo. Algebraic method for constructing singular steady solitary waves: A case study, Proc. R. Soc. A., 472(2191):20160194, 2016
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Multi-symplectic structure of fully-nonlinear weakly-dispersive internal gravity waves, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49, 31LT01, 2016
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond, A. Duran. Efficient computation of capillary-gravity generalized solitary waves, Wave Motion, 65, 1-16, 2016
- D. Dutykh, D. Ionescu-Kruse. Travelling wave solutions for some two-component shallow water models, J. Diff. Equations, 261(2), 1099-1114, 2016
- D. Dutykh, O. Goubet. Derivation of dissipative Boussinesq equations using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator approach, Math. Comput. Simul., 127, 80-93, 2016
- F. Carbone, D. Dutykh, G. El. Macroscopic dynamics of incoherent soliton ensembles: soliton-gas kinetics and direct numerical modeling: Incoherent soliton ensembles, EPL, 113, 30003, 2016
- M. Chhay, D. Dutykh, D. Clamond. On the multi-symplectic structure of the Serre-Green-Naghdi equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49, 03LT01, 2016
- G. Khakimzyanov, N. Shokina, D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis. A new run-up algorithm based on local high-order analytic expansions, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 298, 82-96, 2016
- A. Rafiee, D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Numerical simulation of wave impact on a rigid wall using a two-phase compressible SPH method, Procedia IUTAM, 18, 123-137, 2015
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh, A. Duran. A plethora of generalised solitary gravity-capillary water waves, J. Fluid Mech., 784, 664-680, 2015
- H. Nersisyan, D. Dutykh, E. Zuazua. Generation of two-dimensional water waves by moving bottom disturbances, IMA J. Appl. Math., 80(4), 1235-1253, 2015
- D. Moldabayev, H. Kalisch, D. Dutykh. The Whitham equation as a model for surface water waves, Phys. D, 309, 99-107, 2015
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond, D. Mitsotakis. Adaptive modeling of shallow fully nonlinear gravity waves, RIMS Kokyuroku, 1947, 45-65, 2015
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond, M. Chhay. Numerical study of the generalised Klein-Gordon equations, Phys. D, 304-305, 23-33, 2015
- D. Dutykh, E. Tobisch (Kartashova). Direct dynamical energy cascade in the modified KdV equation, Phys. D, 297, 76-87, 2015
- T. Stefanakis, S. Xu, D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Run-up amplification of transient long waves. Quart. Appl. Math., LXXIII(1), 177-199, 2015
- I. S. Gandzha, Yu. V. Sedletsky, D. Dutykh. High-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the envelope of slowly modulated gravity waves on the surface of finite-depth fluid and its quasi-soliton solutions. Ukr. J. Phys., 59(12), 1201-1215, 2014
- D. Dutykh, E. Pelinovsky. Numerical simulation of a solitonic gas in some integrable and non-integrable models. Phys. Lett. A, 378 (42), 3102-3110, 2014
- J.-G. Caputo, D. Dutykh. Nonlinear waves in networks: a simple approach using the sine-Gordon equation. Phys. Rev. E, 90, 022912, 2014
- D. Mitsotakis, B. Ilan, D. Dutykh. On the Galerkin / finite-element method for the Serre equations. J. Sci. Comp., 61(1), 166-195, 2014
- D. Dutykh, E. Tobisch (Kartashova). Observation of the Inverse Energy Cascade in the modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation. Eur. Phys. Lett., 107, 14001, 2014
- Z.I. Fedotova, G.S. Khakimzyanov, D. Dutykh. Energy equation for certain approximate models of long-wave hydrodynamics, Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 29(3), 167-178, 2014
- M. Hunt, D. Dutykh. Visco-potential flows in electrohydrodynamics. Phys. Lett. A, 378, 1721-1726, 2014
- F. Dias, D. Dutykh, L. O'Brien, E. Renzi, T. Stefanakis. On the modelling of tsunami generation and tsunami inundation. Procedia IUTAM, 10, 338-355, 2014
- D. Dutykh. Evolution of random wave fields in the water of finite depth. Procedia IUTAM, 11, 34-43, 2014
- C. Viotti, D. Dutykh, F. Dias. The conformal-mapping method for surface gravity waves in the presence of variable bathymetry and mean current. Procedia IUTAM, 11, 110-118, 2014
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Camassa-Holm equations and vortexons for axisymmetric pipe flows. Fluid Dyn. Res., 46, 015503, 2014
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond. Efficient computation of steady solitary gravity waves. Wave Motion, 51, 86-99, 2014
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Camassa-Holm type equations for axisymmetric Poiseuille pipe flows. Procedia IUTAM, 9, 16-24, 2013
- F. Carbone, D. Dutykh, J. Dudley, F. Dias. Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40(12), 3138-3143, 2013
- A. Duran, D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis. On the Galilean invariance of some dispersive wave equations. Stud. Appl. Math., 131(4), 359-388, 2013
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond, P. Milewski, D. Mitsotakis. Finite volume and pseudo-spectral schemes for the fully nonlinear 1D Serre equations. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 24(5), 761-787, 2013
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Fast accurate computation of the fully nonlinear solitary surface gravity waves. Computers and Fluids, 84, 35-38, 2013
- C. Viotti, D. Dutykh, J. Dudley, F. Dias. The emergence of coherent wave groups in deep-water random sea. Phys. Rev. E, 87(6), 063001, 2013
- D. Dutykh, H. Kalisch. Boussinesq modeling of surface waves due to underwater landslides. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 20, 267-285, 2013
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Vortexons in axisymmetric Poiseuille pipe flows. Eur. Phys. Lett., 101(3), 34003, 2013
- D. Dutykh, M. Chhay, F. Fedele. Geometric numerical schemes for the KdV equation. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 53(2), 221-236, 2013
- D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis, X. Gardeil, F. Dias. On the use of finite fault solution for tsunami generation problems. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 27, 177-199, 2013
- D. Dutykh, Th. Katsaounis, D. Mitsotakis. Finite volume methods for unidirectional dispersive wave models. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 71, 717-736, 2013
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Special solutions to a compact equation for deep-water gravity waves. J. Fluid Mech., 712, 646-660, 2012
- D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis, L. Chubarov, Yu. Shokin. On the contribution of the horizontal sea-bed displacements into the tsunami generation process. Ocean Modelling, 56, 43-56, 2012
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Solitary wave interaction in a compact equation for deep-water gravity waves. JETP Letters, 95(12), 703-706, 2012
- S.A. Beisel, L.B. Chubarov, D. Dutykh, G.S. Khakimzyanov, N.Yu. Shokina. Simulation of surface waves generated by an underwater landslide in a bounded reservoir. Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 27(6), 539-558, 2012
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Practical use of variational principles for modeling water waves. Physica D, 241(1), 25-36, 2012
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Hamiltonian form and solitary waves of the spatial Dysthe equations. JETP Letters, 94(12), 840-844, 2011
- For more details see the complete version online:
F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Hamiltonian description and traveling waves of the spatial Dysthe equations. Research report, 2011
- For more details see the complete version online:
- D. Dutykh, C. Labart, D. Mitsotakis. Long wave runup on random beaches. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 184504, 2011
- T. Stefanakis, F. Dias, D. Dutykh. Local Runup Amplification by Resonant Wave Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 124502, 2011
- D. Dutykh, D. Clamond. Shallow water equations for large topographies. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 332001, 2011
- D. Dutykh, C. Acary-Robert, D. Bresch. Mathematical modeling of powder-snow avalanche flows. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 127(1), 38 - 66, 2011
- D. Dutykh, Th. Katsaounis, D. Mitsotakis. Finite volume schemes for dispersive wave propagation and runup. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(8), 3035 - 3061, 2011
- D. Dutykh, R. Poncet, F. Dias. The VOLNA code for the numerical modelling of tsunami waves: generation, propagation and inundation. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 30(6), 598 - 615, 2011
- Y. Meyapin, D. Dutykh, M. Gisclon. Velocity and energy relaxation in two-phase flows. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 125(2), 179 - 212, 2010
- D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis. On the relevance of the dam break problem in the context of nonlinear shallow water equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 13(4), 799 - 818, 2010
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Influence of sedimentary layering on tsunami generation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199, 1268 - 1275, 2010
- F. Dias, D. Dutykh, J.-M. Ghidaglia. A two-fluid model for violent aerated flows, Computers and Fluids, 39(2), 283 - 293, 2010
- For more details see the complete version online:
F. Dias, D. Dutykh, J.-M. Ghidaglia. A compressible two-fluid model for the finite volume simulation of violent aerated flows. Analytical properties and numerical results. Research report of CMLA, 2008
- For more details see the complete version online:
- D. Dutykh. Group and phase velocities in the free-surface visco-potential flow: new kind of boundary layer induced instability, Physics Letters A, 373, 3212 - 3216, 2009
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Energy of tsunami waves generated by bottom motion. Proc. R. Soc. A (2009) 465, 725 - 744
- D. Dutykh. Visco-potential free-surface flows and long wave modelling. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 28(3), 430 - 443, 2009
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Tsunami generation by dynamic displacement of sea bed due to dip-slip faulting, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80(4), 837 - 848, 2009
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Viscous potential free-surface flows in a fluid layer of finite depth, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 345(2007), 113 - 118
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Dissipative Boussinesq equations, C. R. Mécanique, 335 (2007), 559 - 583
- Y. Kervella, D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Comparison between three-dimensional linear and nonlinear tsunami generation models, Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. (2007) 21:245 - 269
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias, Y. Kervella. Linear theory of wave generation by a moving bottom. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 343(2006) 499 - 504
Book chapters
- T. Torsvik, A. Abdalazeez, D. Dutykh, P. Denissenko and I. Didenkulova. Dispersive and non-dispersive nonlinear long wave transformations: numerical and experimental results, In A. Berezovski and T. Soomere (Eds.) Applied Wave Mathematics II, Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 6. pp. 41–66, Springer Cham, 2019
- A. Durán, D. Dutykh and D. Mitsotakis. Peregrine’s system revisited, In N. Abcha, E. Pelinovsky and I. Mutabazi (Eds.) Nonlinear Waves and Pattern Dynamics, pp. 3–43, Springer Cham, 2018
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Modeling water waves beyond perturbations, in E. Tobisch (Ed.): New Approaches to Nonlinear Waves, Lecture Notes in Physics (908), 197-210, Springer, 2016
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. A Non-Hydrostatic Non-Dispersive Shallow Water Model, Ph. Goubersville et al. (Eds.): Springer Hydrogeology. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 - New Frontiers of Simulation, 197-206, Springer Singapore 2014
- V. Guinot, D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Finite Volume Implementation of Non-Dispersive, Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Equations, Ph. Goubersville et al. (Eds.): Springer Hydrogeology. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 - New Frontiers of Simulation, 189-196, Springer Singapore 2014
- Y. Meyapin, D. Dutykh, M. Gisclon. Two-Fluid Barotropic Models for Powder-Snow Avalanche Flows. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Volume 115, 219 - 232, 2011
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias, Water waves generated by a moving bottom. In Book:"Tsunami and Nonlinear Waves", Kundu, A. (Editor), Springer Verlag 2007, Approx. 325 p., 170 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-71255-8
- F. Dias, D. Dutykh. Dynamics of tsunami waves. In Book: "Extreme Man-Made and NaturalHazards in Dynamics of Structures'', NATO Security through Science Series, 2007, 201 - 224
Peer-reviewed proceedings
- A. Abdalazeez, I. Didenkulova and D. Dutykh. Dispersive effects during long wave run-up on a plane beach in “Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks: Meeting the Challenge”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NatHaz’19), Pico Island – Azores 2019, F. Fernandes, A. Malheiro, H.I. Chamin´e (Eds.), pp. 143–146, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020
- B. Colange, L. Vuillon, S. Lespinats and D. Dutykh. Interpreting Distortions in Dimensionality Reduction by Superimposing Neighbourhood Graphs. 2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 20 – 25 October, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2019
- M. Abdykarim, J. Berger, D. Dutykh and A. Agbossou. Efficient Numerical Method For Long Term Simulation Of Insulated Wall. Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, IBPSA, September 2 – 4, Rome, Italy, 2019
- H. Geoffroy, J. Berger, B. Colange, S. Lespinats, D. Dutykh, C. Buhé and G. Sauce. Use Of Multidimensional Scaling For Fault Detection Or Monitoring Support In A Continuous Commissioning. Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, IBPSA, September 2 – 4, Rome, Italy, 2019
- T. Stefanakis, F. Dias, D. Dutykh. Resonant long-wave run-up on a plane beach. Proceedings of the Twenty SecondInternational Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 2012
- L. O'Brien, P. Christodoulides, E. Renzi, D. Dutykh, F. Dias. The force of a tsunami on a wave energy converter. Proceedings of the Twenty Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 2012
- D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis, S. Beysel, N. Shokina. Dispersive waves generated by an underwater landslide. Numerical methods for Hyperbolic Equations. Eds: Vazquez- Cendon et al., Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 245 - 250, 2013. Proceedings of the Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations: Theory and Applications. International Conference to honour Professor E.F. Toro in the month of his 65th birthday. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 4-8, 2011
- D. Dutykh, Th. Katsaounis, D. Mitsotakis. Dispersive wave runup on non-uniform shores. FINITE VOLUMES FOR COMPLEX APPLICATIONS VI - PROBLEMS & PERSPECTIVES. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 2011, Volume 4, Part 1, 389 - 397
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. How does sedimentary layering affect the generation of tsunamis? Proceedings of OMAE 2009, 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, May 31-June 5, 2009, Honolulu, USA
- D. Dutykh. Visco potential free-surface flows. XXII ICTAM, 25 - 29 August 2008, Adelaide, Australia
- F. Dias, D. Dutykh, J.-M. Ghidaglia. Simulation of Free Surface Compressible Flows Via a Two Fluid Model. OMAE 2008, Nick Newman Symposium on Marine Hydrodynamics, 6, 43-50, 2008. Estoril, Portugal, 15-20 June 2008
- A. Galligo, D. Dutykh, D. Clamond. On detection of solitary waves, using phase diagrams and real discriminant. In J. Elias, J. Fernandez-Sanchez, M. Sombra (Eds.), Proceedings of the EACE 2014 Conference, Barcelona, 18-20 June 2014, pp. 119-122
- D. Dutykh, J.-G. Caputo. Sine- Grodon dynamics on graphs. In O.O. Kochubey et al. (Eds.), Applied problems of the fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer (pp. 29-31). Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk National University. pp 192, 2014
- F. Carbone, D. Dutykh, J.M. Dudley, F. Dias. Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff. In Zbornik radova konferencije MIT 2013, pp. 99-103, Beograd, 2014
- F. Carbone, D. Dutykh, J.M. Dudley, F. Dias. Extreme wave run-up on a vertical cliff. IWWWFB28, 7 - 10 April 2013, Marseille, France
- D. Dutykh, D. Mitsotakis, S. Beisel, N. Shokina. On waves generated by an underwater landslide. In Proceedings of the IV Conference "Applied Problems of the fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer", 1 - 3 November 2012, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, pp. 75 - 79, 2012.
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. A non-hydrostatic non-dispersive shallow water model. Proceedings of SimHydro 2012 Conference, September 12 - 14, Sophia-Antipolis - Nice, France
- V. Guinot, D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Finite volume implementation of non-hydrostatic shallow water equations. Proceedings of SimHydro 2012 Conference, September 12 - 14, Sophia-Antipolis - Nice, France
- D. Dutykh, Th. Katsaounis, D. Mitsotakis. Finite volume schemes for Boussinesq type equations. Proceedings of Colloque EDP-Normandie, 28 - 29 October 2010, Caen, France, pp. 15 - 21
- D. Clamond, D. Dutykh. Dispersive wave equation derivation from a relaxed variational formulation. Applied problems of aerodynamics, heat and mass transfers, pp. 40 - 42, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, November 4 - 6, 2010
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Tsunami wave energy. 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, Université Laval, May 20-24, 7 p., 2008
- D. Dutykh, F. Dias. Fault Dynamics and Tsunami Generation. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids. A. Ibrahimbegovic, F. Dias, H. Matthies, P.Wriggers (eds.), 79-81, 2007
- C. Kassiotis, F. Dias, A. Ibrahimbegovic, D. Dutykh. A partitioned approach to model tsunami impact on coastal protections. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids. A. Ibrahimbegovic, F. Dias, H. Matthies, P. Wriggers (eds.), 134-139, 2007
- D. Dutykh. "Mathematical modeling in the environment", Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Unversity of Savoie, 2010
- D. Dutykh. "Mathematical modelling of tsunami waves", PhD thesis, CMLA, ENS de Cachan, 2007
- D. Dutykh. "Moving load on a floating ice layer", Supervisor: F. Dias. Master 2 MN2MC, CMLA, ENS de Cachan, 2005
- D. Dutykh. "Harmonic oscillations of an inhomogeneous elastic layer", Master thesis, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Dnepropetrovsk National University, Ukraine. Supervisor Vladimir Lamzyuk
- D. Dutykh. How to overcome the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition of explicit discretizations? Technical Report, 20 pp, 2016
- D. Dutykh, L. Gosse. Some topics of the NumHyp-2015' discussion session, 25 pp., 2015
- D. Dutykh, E. Tobisch (Kartashova). Resonance enhancement by suitably chosen frequency detuning. Unpublished Report, 2014
- D. Dutykh, E. Tobisch (Kartashova). Formation of the dynamic energy cascades in quartic and quintic generalized KdV equations. Submitted, 2014
- Ch. Lalanne, A. Rafiee, D. Dutykh, M. Lysaght, F. Dias. Enabling the UCD-SPH code on the Xeon Phi, 12 pp., 2014
- F. Fedele, D. Dutykh. Hamiltonian description and traveling waves of the spatial Dysthe equations. Research report, 2011
- D. Dutykh. Visco-potential free-surface flows. Research report of CMLA, 2008
- F. Dias, D. Dutykh, J.-M. Ghidaglia. A compressible two-fluid model for the finite volume simulation of violent aerated flows. Analytical properties and numerical results. Research report of CMLA, 2008
Book reviews
- M. S. Howe. "Hydrodynamics and sound", 2007. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS - B/FLUIDS, 27(2), p. 218. 2008
Reviewer activities
Scientific journals
- Scientific Reports
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Computational Physics
- Journal of Engineering Mathematics
- Journal of Hydraulic Research
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
- Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
- Communications in Nolinear Science and Numerical Simulation
- Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
- Comptes Rendus Mécanique
- European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids
- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- Applied Mathematical Modelling
- Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications
- Numerische Mathematik
- Ocean Engineering
- Ocean Modelling
- Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
- Physics Letters A
- Applied Ocean Research
- Journal of Nonlinear Science
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAP)
- Wave Motion
- Numerical Algorithms
- Earth, Planets and Space (EPS)
- ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering
- KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics
- Symmetry
- Kuwait Journal of Science Engineering
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A
- Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
- Open Engineering
- Polarforschung
- Nonlinear Dynamics